A Long Time Coming

The wheels have been in motion for this blog since I was about 6 years old and would spend my days filling notebooks with stories, thoughts, ideas, and really any little diddie that gave me the excuse to put pen to paper and write. I’d sometimes just write random words and sentences, without actual meaning, for the simple catharsis of imagining the words as they traveled from my mind, through my fingers, and ultimately flowed from the pen to pages of a Composition notebook.

Laptop overhead

Now, years have past, and the distractions of adulthood have prevented me from keeping up with my Composition books (and also…moving…everything gets tossed), but I often feel a void for not taking the time to pencil down my thoughts (metaphorical “pencil”, when was the last time you actually held a pencil?). Which brings me here.

My hope for this blog is that it becomes a place of creativity and congenial dialogue and I welcome all who want to follow along! It is a place to become better – a better writer and better photographer, a better web-designer (jokes, way outside my skill-set), a better cook, a better friend, a better listener, a better member of my community, and an all around better person. These are not all things I can accomplish on my own, but if I know a thing about this world, it’s that by forging links with the good ones around us, we become better ourselves. A rising tide lifts all boats.


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